
May 2014 Philadelphia Chapter of Pax Christi U.S.A.


Unlimited Free Energy from the Quantum Void


The universe in which we live and which we can observe with modern instruments is huge. Earth is a tiny bit of rock and water compared to an outer planet like Jupiter, which itself is tiny compared to the Sun, our star. Our solar system is a speck in an outer arm of the Milky Way, our home galaxy. Our star is one of at least 100 billion stars in our galaxy. There are at least 100 billion galaxies in our universe. There is even speculation that our universe is only one of several, some of which may consist only of dust and gas without stars or galaxies, others may be in a contracting phase after an initial expansion, and some may be like our own universe with conditions favoring the development of life and even intelligent life.

From where we are on the crust of the Earth, the elements oxygen, found both in water and in rocks, and silicon, found in silicate rocks, make up about 80 percent of the total. The Earth as a whole is about 30 percent iron, mostly in the molten core. The universe as a whole, however, is composed of 75 percent hydrogen and 25 percent helium. So what we see where we live, on the crust of the Earth, is exceptional, far from typical.

The total of all the observable matter and energy in the entire universe, the 100 billion stars in each of 100 billion galaxies, all the hydrogen and helium along with photons and other manifestations of energy, seems a lot, but all together is only about five percent of the total. The rest is not directly observable, the existence of which is inferred from its effect on the visible universe—dark matter and dark energy.

Dark matter makes up about 27 percent of the universe. It is called dark because it does not interact with light, so even the most advanced technology of observation fails to detect it. Calculations from models of the early universe show that there is not enough gravitational pull to account for the formation of stars and galaxies. A lot more material is needed; hence the existence of dark matter.

Dark energy, which makes up about 68 percent of the universe, is a property of space itself. It has the surprising characteristic of acting like ordinary gravity but with repulsion rather than attraction. It is, then, a kind of antigravity. It is postulated to account for the surprising finding that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. The opposite would have been expected, that with time the expansion would have slowed down. Dark energy supplies the gravitational repulsion (antigravity) to account for the accelerating expansion.

Where does dark energy come from? Its mysterious formation can only be understood through quantum mechanics, which considers that even in the absence of any matter or energy, there is still a “zero-point energy,” also referred to as the “quantum void.” This conclusion is a consequence of Heisenberg’s Principle of Indeterminacy, allowing quantum fluctuations to “produce something out of nothing.”

The amount of energy in the quantum void is enormous, really unlimited. One cubic centimeter of space, about half an inch on each edge, could supply enough energy to meet the needs of the entire population of the Earth for a day. That amount of energy would never be missed. It would truly be unlimited free energy. As an added bonus, there would be no pollution and no release of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the availability of inexpensive free

energy would allow desalination of water to make the deserts bloom, deactivation of radioactive waste, reclamation of minerals from the ocean, and much more. Spread through the third world, this energy would bring about rapid development and result in the elimination of hunger and poverty. It would truly bring about a utopian age.

Conventional physics and engineering holds that it is not possible to tap into this free energy in any useful way. Generations of students have been taught this mistaken belief. Relatively unlearned inventors, nonetheless, have developed a variety of ways to apply this energy to practical uses, and such successful efforts go back almost 100 years.

As a single example, consider the water-powered car invented by Stanley Meyer (1940-1998). The car was demonstrated in a run from the east coast to California using just 58 gallons of water, no gasoline and no other fuel. The invention consisted of a device to electrolyze water into its constituent elements, hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, and injecting this gas into the cylinders of a conventional internal combustion engine, where it is ignited by a spark in the usual way. As described above, there is nothing special about the process. The problem is that supplying the electricity to electrolyze the water requires much more energy than is captured by the combustion in the engine. In other words, energetically speaking, it does not pay for itself.

What Meyer did that was unusual was to supply electricity to the electrolysis unit in the form of pulses rather than continuous power as is done conventionally. The pulses were at the resonant frequency of the bonds in the water molecule, thus allowing them to break with much less energy than is required for conventional electrolysis. After a start from the battery, a small portion of the engine power is fed back to the electrolysis apparatus and no fuel or other input is needed. What happened to his invention? Meyer died under mysterious circumstances and his invention died with him.

Another, better-known inventor, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), a Croatian inventor who emigrated to the US to work with Thomas Edison, later invented a device to capture free energy out of the surrounding air. Upon being shown the device, his funder, J.P. Morgan, told him bluntly that he would not support any form of energy which could not be metered. As Ralph Nader is quoted as saying, “The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.”

Many similar inventions have been kept from going into production by various means: purchase in order to shelve, outright bribery, intimidation, sequestration by the US Patent Office “in the interest of national security.” Besides, small scale independent inventers find themselves lacking broad expertise, needing expensive laboratory and fabrication equipment, and simply being overwhelmed by the burden of working alone, often in secret.

Clearly, moving to this kind of energy would be a great boon to the Earth and her children. Who could be opposed? The answer is obvious—financial interests linked to fossil fuels.

What can we do? Let our love for our mother Gaia take the form of looking after her interests, which are our own.

And let’s spread the word. The energy transformation is essential to our survival. Let’s join the movement.

Dom Roberti, PhD

Dom is a member of CPF
